The Five Vitamin ‘C’s for Aging Happily

It’s International Seniors Day!

senior humor the lockhornsIt’s our day, a special day for senior citizens. So I thought I’d give you something to smile about and something to think about. But what about those intriguing Vitamin ‘C’s for aging happily you ask? I’m coming to that. First, for those who didn’t know that a day exists for appreciating the contribution of senior citizens to the world, October 1 is the UN International Day of Older Persons – a special day dedicated to senior citizens across the world. It was observed for the first time worldwide on October 1, 1991.

You might have heard it said that aging is natural, it’s what happens to your body whether you like it or not. But unlike aging, feeling old is a state of mind. It’s a matter of attitude. In fact, it is the right attitude that separates seniors who are aging from the ones who are old. You could say the right attitude is the compass that helps us stay on track as we journey through the senior years. But what do we need to maintain this right attitude?  Well, according to Mitch Anthony, author of The New Retirementality, what senior citizens need for staying young-at-heart are regular doses of five types of Vitamin ‘C’ which he calls “the Vitamin Cs of successful aging”. Here’s what he says in brief:

The prescription for aging happily

Vitamin C1: Connectivity

Researchers have found that more than health or wealth, a powerful factor affecting life satisfaction after retirement is a person’s social network. That doesn’t imply connecting through Facebook or Twitter alone, but more importantly, in the real world. Unfortunately, many people disconnect themselves from important social networks when they retire and don’t realize it until it’s too late. So stay connected to people you love, people you enjoy, and people that appreciate you and see value in your presence, because both long life and happiness are tied to the quality of your connections to others.

Vitamin C2: Challenge

The latest Alzheimer research shows that staying mentally active and engaging in activities that challenge you intellectually can check the degenerative processes leading to both Alzheimer’s and dementia. The brain is a muscle that withers and weakens without use. However, Sudoku, crossword puzzles, riddles, problems to solve, things to fix, all of these would help you flex those mental muscles and keep your brain healthy.

Those who enjoy discovering new approaches to different challenges are generally more optimistic. Which means, engaging in jobs that promote initiative and boost mental flexibility are good for you. Look around and you’ll find that ‘old’ people are invariably those who won’t listen to new ideas. So the sooner you ditch that ‘I’ve seen it all and heard it all’ approach to life the better.

Vitamin C3—Curiosity

Mitch Anthony tells of meeting an elderly physicist named Ken Clark from the University of Washington on an airplane ride. When he asked him why he hadn’t retired even though he was in his late 70s, Clark’s answer was, “There’s so much yet to learn.” Curiosity makes sure you remain mentally alert and your brain keeps ticking. But this doesn’t mean you have to go in for formal education; it could be something self-taught or experiential learning. To quote Henry Ford: Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.

Vitamin C4—Creativity

m f husain paintingRemember M.F. Husain who created masterpieces even when he was past 90? He was a fine example of the virtues of creative engagement in the senior years. Peter Drucker, the business thinker who was a consultant for large corporates like General Electric, Coca Cola and IBM was able to write a business bestseller in his 90s. Mitch Anthony says a creative soul looks at the shoreline and sees something new every day.  So lead a creative life and keep boredom away.

Vitamin C5—Charity

Studies by experts have proved the rejuvenating effects of charitable living on the quality of life people lead. Those who think about others, reach out to help others, experience less stress. And you don’t have to be wealthy to live charitably. All it takes is concern and a willingness to give of your time or serve the needy in any way you can. As Anthony puts it, we may not live a day longer because of charitable pursuits, but we would no doubt live better.

Hope you enjoyed reading this. Thanks for stopping by and do visit again for more inspiring stuff like this.

See ya… and keep smiling!

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4 Responses to The Five Vitamin ‘C’s for Aging Happily

  1. Sanjay D says:

    Came across your blog through facebook (Senior Citizens of India group). Very nice. During the recent International day for seniors, I addressed a group of seniors on “Enjoying the golden years – tips for a safe and comfortable life” and there was a truly enthusiastic response. I gather from this that the senior citizens of India are well and truly raring to lead a very active and productive life. We definitely need more people like you to show the way. Thanks.

    A little intro about me. I am one of the directors of a specialty store called Old Is Gold Store – an exclusive store for senior citizens.

    • veena says:

      Glad you liked what you read Sanjay. And yes, it’s great to see more seniors interested in leading active retired lives and that products are available in the market for those who need them to get around and stay active.
      Do visit again and pass the word around about my blog for seniors.

  2. Sanjay D says:

    Added your blog to our blogroll at Cheers

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