The perfect husband: A “real” one

Men and household chores

couple doing the dishesRecently I came across this video of a guy who goes beyond just mouthing sweet nothings like that ‘perfect husband doll’. This guy actually walks the talk. Of course he’s acting, but he’s very convincing in the role of a man helping out with household chores on his day off  – on a day when his wife is away at work.

Frankly speaking, my first reaction on watching the video was that of appreciation, followed immediately by a sense of guilt. Maybe we ladies are conditioned that way, to feel protective of others, to not mind slaving away ourselves, while being concerned that the husband gets enough rest – even if we ourselves are working three shifts daily, the first before leaving for work, the second at the work place, and the third after coming back from work. That too, going through the grind for years, for decades, often maybe without any appreciation. And then I thought, if the husband feels the need to help out, why not let him? Why should ladies have all the fun? Right?

Men have been sharing household chores since the Stone Age!

Anyway, I decided to do a bit of research about husbands and wives sharing household chores and came across some interesting, recent news items.

1. Research work on statistical data at Oxford University shows that over the past 30 years men have increased the amount of time they spend on domestic duties by more than 60 %. (The Telegraph, UK)

2. A study made by sociologists of men across seven countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Britain) found that those who shared in domestic work had a better sense of well being, were happier, and enjoyed a better work-life balance. (The Telegraph, UK)

For all those who are shaking their heads sarcastically and muttering “all this is nonsense”, here’s the clincher:

3. If you thought cavemen were mere hunters, think again. Recent studies of the skeletal remains of Neanderthals (our ancient ancestors) by archeologists at the University of Cambridge suggest that in the Stone Age, man spent more time attending to household chores than staying out with the boys hunting. (The Independent, UK)


4. Marriage counsellors in India report that according to statistics from different states, in 30% of the couples in troubled marriages the main complaint was that men didn’t share in household chores despite the fact that the women held full-time jobs.

Sharing household chores makes for a happy home

So there you have it. The secret to a happy home is a fair division of housework!

Now check the video and see what your reaction is. But be warned: Your reaction could also indicate your attitude towards housework. As for being appreciative and nice, how difficult is that? This guy provides a great demo!

See ya… and keep smiling!



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2 Responses to The perfect husband: A “real” one

  1. Jose Lourenco says:

    I do the dishes and vacuuming at home quite often, a maid being scarcer than gold nowadays. It’s good strategy too, nothing melts a woman’s heart more than seeing her mate or boyfriend do household chores. But as the caveman did, we must balance work and housework, assuming we are being paid very well at home, by cheque or in kind!


    • veena says:

      Saving on having to pay a maid and your own ‘payment’ apart, three cheers for feminists like you Jose. And I’m glad you’re actually experiencing what these new studies seem to suggest: Share in the housework, be happy!

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